Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I would like to explain K. dufur's question regarding why a 4-6 elementary is being proposed to relieve crowding at the middle school/high school: The 60 member facility advisory committee that met last school year determined that this was the most economical, efficient solution that met the long term needs of the district. The plan is to move 5th-6th out of the 5-12 complex freeing space there. The high school will migrate to the middle school over time.

Building a high school was considered. But the committee and school board recognized the cost in the $50M range plus the need to acquire 40-50 acres off-site somewhere to meet state standards as a proposition that was too expensive.

Also, this proposal calls for additional science and music space. We are running short on science labs to meet the demand. Plus science requirements are increasing in the future which will require more science space.

This proposal was developed by taxpayers in the school district, so taxpayers were very well represented and considered when the Facility Advisory Committee developed the recommendation.