Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Proposed Budget Adjustments for FY2010

The school board reviewed the proposed budget adjustments for next school year at the March 16 board meeting. These adjustments line up with the budget planning philosophy and three year plan that were put in place previous to discussions about the details of reducing expenses in light of the budgetary pressures we will be experiencing, including a $921,912 proposed deficit for FY2010.

In accordance with the plan, the deficit will first be offset utilizing approximately $533,333 in fund balance reducing the amount of the adjustments to $388,000. A major portion of the adjustments comes from staff development funds. State law requires that 2% of state aid be set aside for staff development unless it is waived by the teachers and school board. We are proposing to waive a portion of the set aside and use reserves within the staff development budget to set a budget similar to what we have had the past several years for staff development. Details regarding the proposed adjustments can be found here.

We are still awaiting details of the federal stimulus package and the actions of the legislature. It appears there will be some one time dollars we can use to either supplement some initiatives we have under consideration or stretch our existing fund balance for use in future years.

The school board will act on the adjustments at the April 26 school board meeting that will be held at the Delano City Hall at 7:00 p.m.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March 16 Board Meeting at Loretto

The March 16 school board meeting will be held at the Loretto City Hall beginning at 7:00 p.m. The March board meeting is held on the third Monday, instead of the fourth Monday due to spring break. Delano City Hall, the regular site for board meetings is not available on the third Monday.

The agenda will include a report on Response to Intervention (RtI). RtI is a methodology that ensures all students have access to high quality instruction, and that struggling learners, including students with learning disabilities, are identified and served appropriately.

There will also be a report on the food service program.

The agenda will also include consideration of removing the class rank from students' transcripts, a request for an extended field trip to Spain in March of 2010 plus reports from administrators and board members.