Monday, April 14, 2008

Land Purchase

I have had several people ask if the purchase agreements were negotiated today would the cost be lower?

We don't know that for sure, which could result in another appraisal and that would be an added expense.

Secondly, if the strategy was to vote this down and try to re-negotiate the purchase agreements that would require another election. The cost to run an election can approximate $18,000 which includes the cost of the judges, printing of ballots, required mailings, etc.

Third, a small reduction in the cost of the land may not have an appreciable affect on the tax impact. The $980,000 purchase price has an estimated tax impact of $1.66 per month on the average tax valued home of $272,500.


Anonymous said...

Even more expensive than the outrageous $125,000 per acre the district agreed to pay? The City of Delano donated five of those thirteen acres.

Good thing those folks kept their land off the collapsing real estate market, where they would have been lucky to get $8,000 per acre.

What does the district's own tax calculator value that 8 acres land at?

Delano people, you are fools.

Anonymous said...

Here! Here! School district should have been fiscally responsible and renegotiated those ridiculous purchase agreements. Read the Star Tribune article "Wright County: From Boom to Bust"

Anonymous said...

I think the school got a very good buy on the land. I would of thought that the land would have been a fare amount higher.