Friday, August 29, 2008

Welcome to New School Year

Welcome to the start of the 2008-09 school year. We are anxiously looking forward to the return of our students.

Please note that starting and dismissal times have changed slightly. These changes will allow us to more efficiently utilize our staff and facilities.

Start Dismissal
Elementary 8:10a 2:35p
Middle School 8:02a 2:55a
High School 8:02a 2:50p

Have a great school year!


K.Dufur said...

I've heard lots of theories on why the the start and dismissal time have changed. What's the reason?

Superintendent's Blog said...

There are several reasons for changing the start/dismissal times. This allows us to change the daily schedule slightly for the middle school and high school. We can now align the two schedules so that shared staff between the schools can operate on the same schedule. This allows more efficient use of those teachers.

This also allows for changes in lunch schedule and that leads to some team planning time for middle school teachers.

Th high school likes a little earlier dismissal as that is advantageous to the activities program.