Friday, March 26, 2010

Parking on Elm

The School District and the City of Delano have been receiving complaints about high school students parking on Elm Avenue. The problem stems from not having enough parking on campus for high school students that drive to school. The problem increases as the year goes on as more students become eligible to drive.

Various solutions to the problem have been discussed, including constructing additional parking at one of three locations: the corner of Elm Avenue and Tiger Drive near the entrance to the middle school/high school; a block east of Tiger Drive on Elm Avenue where the School district owns a lot; and at 789 Tiger Drive across the street west of the elementary school. All of these solutions come with a price tag ranging from about $58,000 to gravel space up to $193,000 for blacktop, curb and gutter, depending on which of the three locations is chosen.

School and City representatives will meet with residents of Elm Avenue and any other interested persons on Tuesday, April 13 at 5:00 p.m. in the high school cafeteria to discuss the problem and all the various ideas for solutions, which are not all limited to constructing additional space.


Anonymous said...

I just read the recent blog about the security issue today. What type of emergency was put into place? Do you follow a CODE RED, YELLOW, or GREEN protocal when a emergency happens? I have talked with several students tonight and not of the them told me that there was announcement made to the entire school about being on lock down. Why did the students stay at the school? Why were they not moved out of the school to safe spot until the building was cleared?

Superintendent's Blog said...

There was no lockdown during school hours in relation to a low level threat on April 19. The Wright County Sheriff's Department assisted us in determining the course of action to take and the decision was made not to evacuate or go into lockdown based on the nature of the threat. Certain areas of the building were searched during the school day. At the end of the day a very thorough search of the middle school and high school was conducted by four Wright County deputies, a state trooper and a bomb sniffing dog. Nothing was found.

John Sweet

Superintendent's Blog said...

There was no lockdown during school hours in relation to a low level threat on April 19. The Wright County Sheriff's Department assisted us in determining the course of action to take and the decision was made not to evacuate or go into lockdown based on the nature of the threat. Certain areas of the building were searched during the school day. At the end of the day a very thorough search of the middle school and high school was conducted by four Wright County deputies, a state trooper and a bomb sniffing dog. Nothing was found.

John Sweet