Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Energy Efficiencies at Delano Public Schools

Delano Public Schools kicked off the next round of energy savings programs this week. In partnership with  Schools for Energy Efficiency (SEE), we are putting in place strategies that we expect will reduce energy use by a minimum of 10%.

The agreement with Hallberg Engineering, the distributor for SEE, is a cost sharing agreement, which means there is no cost to the school district to put the energy savings strategies in place. Hallberg is paid from the cost savings that are incurred. Most of the strategies relate to changing behavior in terms of how we use and conserve energy.

Our expectations are to save the District at least $84,000 during the five year agreement with Hallberg.

I call this the "next round of energy savings program" because we have finished the mechanical upgrades that were part of the program we had with Energy Services Group. We have now completed the first year with all the mechanical upgrades in place and will have a report soon on the cost savings generated the first year. The expectation is that we will have achieved in excess of $100,000 in savings. Some of these savings go to pay for the actions that were taken to upgrade many of the mechanical systems over the past several years.

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