Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Recommended Reductions if Levy Fails

On November 8 Delano School District voters will be going to the polls at either Delano Middle School or Independence City Hall to vote on the school district operating levy. Recommendations were made when the board voted to put the operating levy on the ballot so voters would know the possible consequences should the levy fail. The recommendations try to keep cuts as far away from the classroom as possible and total over $800,000.

If the levy fails the following reductions have been recommended:
  1. Bus only beyond the two mile legally required limit for grades 5-12. This would reduce two routes.
  2. Reform staff development budget and new teacher mentor program.
  3. Reduce supply budgets.
  4. Reform school board to legally required minimum of six members (from seven).
  5. Reduce activities budget.
  6. Restructure extra duty web master positions (one per building).
  7. Reduce 1.5 FTE custodians.          
  8. Reduce 2.5 FTE media center paraprofessionals.                 
  9. Reduce 5 FTE special education program paraprofessionals.
  10. Reduce 1 FTE nurse.
  11. Reduce 5.5 FTE classroom teachers.
  12. Reductions made this year  include combining polling places, reducing superintendent's administrative assistant, and eliminating busing from St. Peter and Paul Academy in Loretto, which closed. 
  13. Go on the ballot again in 2012 in order to avoid another round of reductions.
According to a report in the October 26, 2011 StarTribune of this week's job summit convened by Gov. Dayton, there are "hundreds of openings" for workers in all parts of the state if they are qualified and that there is a "skills gap" which contributes to the state's 7 percent unemployment rate.

Is this a time to disinvest in public education?

Remember to vote on November 8.

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