Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Response to Wally Johnson

Many Delano residents subscribe to either the Herald Journal or the Eagle, and as a result, may have read a letter to the editor from Mr. Wallace Johnson. I would encourage school district residents to continue to gather facts regarding the upcoming school levy vote on November 8.
Please visit the school district’s website at to view operating levy information regarding financial considerations, a proposed list of cuts, and budget forecasts.
*Regarding Mr. Johnson’s point that the district is "oblivious" to the current economic situation - quite the contrary - as schools are subject to the same economic tides, with rising costs, fewer resources and, and yes, just like he mentioned, rising health insurance costs, not to mention food and fuel and energy costs - all costs directly related to operating school districts.
*In response to that economic reality, I wonder if Mr. Johnson is aware of the district's strategic and purposeful efforts to reduce such costs? Delano has controlled energy costs through efficiency revamps as well as collaborated with employee groups to reduce health care costs for our district while implementing wellness efforts to further reduce future costs. All the while, the district has made concerted efforts to reduce other costs through other means - even $2300 (which the letter references) makes a difference in this economy and for our situation, right?
*Mr. Johnson’s last sentence - "Delano is an excellent school with hard-working, excellent teachers producing high academic student achievements. Voting no to the levy at this time will not change that." - is perhaps the most inflammatory and unfortunately can really misinform readers. I can only agree with his first statement – we do indeed have a top-notch group of teachers, staff, and students alike. Asserting that money doesn't equate to quality education (at least to a certain degree) is like telling the car owner that you built her car with minimal expense.... a few key components may have been overlooked, it will probably run for a while, but don't be surprised when it leaves you stranded by the side of the road. Inadequately funded public education is not a smart investment in our local future.
*Fewer teachers and support staff, inadequately trained staff (due to staff development cuts), diminished educational opportunities, longer bus rides - and those are just the beginning in a longer list of student-centered cuts - do directly affect students - and thus, impact educational success.
Sarah Baker, Member
Delano School Board

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